49-51% BRI split for the players
Contact lengths max out at 5 for Bird-rights players and 4 for non Bird-Rights players
A $2.5 million exception for teams below the cap to go over the cap.
The "Carmelo Anthony Rule" Sign-Extend-Trade has not been changed. Dwight Howard, CP3, and D-Will may still force sign and trades.
Amnesty Clause: Each team may waive a player and that player's salary will not count against the team's salary cap. This is the most interesting new rule. ESPN should make a new Amnesty machine. This rule is so as fun as it is sensible. Only Brandon Roy is unexcited about this new rule.
Midlevel exception: up to $5 million starting salary. Luxury Tax teams of up to $4 million may only use $ 3 million of that exception.